Mental Health Matters

Mental Health Matters is published five times a year with the objective of bringing information and support to South Africa’s GP’s in their role as first line care givers and identifiers of mental health issues.
Dehumanising people based on their medical diagnosis is a discriminatory practice and in violation of our Constitution: Everyone is equal before the law… has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law. The state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds, including…
S Ramlall
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) is now recognised as a Lifelong Neurodevelopmental Disorder which impacts many aspects of function at each stage of the life journey through which it passes.
Dr Helen Clark
The first thing I was told in my paediatrics rotation at medical school was that “you need to remember children are not small adults.” In many ways this is a very accurate statement. In children, the physiological responses to illness and injury are indeed often quite different from those of adults.
Dr Claire Lownie
A heightened sense of one’s achievements and abilities, lack of empathy, driven and goal directed behaviour are features common to both Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Bipolar Mood Disorder. Clinically both conditions may look similar, even to the trained observer.
Fatimah Dada
In late 2018, one more South African university student plunged to her death, while another student attempted suicide that same day. Earlier in that same year, a renowned senior academic took his life. The recent WHO World Mental Health Survey (2018) results indicate that one third of first year university students have a readily diagnosable mental health condition.
Dr Bronwyn Dworzanowski-Venter
Few people make it to the age of 38 without experiencing some kind of mental illness, at least for a time. This is the conclusion of a study published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, which studied 988 individuals at various points in their lifespan.
Gerald Schoenewolf, Ph.D.
Mental health workers and general practitioners in South Africa are currently witnessing a surge in the number of people with heroin use disorders. There are no proper statistics on the numbers of people who use heroin in South Africa. The only real data that exists is that collated by the South African Community Epidemiology Network on Drug use (SACENDU).
Prof. Monique Marks
Cases of mental health disorders exist almost everywhere…including prisons. Prisons are extremely stressful and traumatic environments with allegations of sexual abuse, assaults, fights and other violent behaviours. When new inmates enter prison for the very first time – often they’re confronted by culture shock
Mbongiseni Mdakane
Many people know about Post-Natal Depression, but how many know it can occur even before the baby is born? In these cases, knowledge is the power to save patients
Lauren Shapiro
Zane Wilson Founder SADAG
- Neil Amoore,
- Psychologist, Johannesburg
- Kevin Bolon,
- Psychologist, Johannesburg
- Dr Jan Chabalala,
- Psychiatrist, Johannesburg
- Dr Lori Eddy,
- Psychologist, Johannesburg
- Lee-Ann Hartman,
- Psychologist, Johannesburg
- Dr Frans Korb,
- Psychiatrist/Psychologist, Johannesburg
- Professor Crick Lund,
- Psychiatrist, Cape Town
- Dr Rykie Liebenberg,
- Psychiatrist, Johannesburg
- Dr Colinda Linde,
- Psychologist, Johannesburg
- Zamo Mbele,
- Psychologist, Johannesburg
- Nkini Phasha,
- SADAG Director, Johannesburg
- David Rosenstein,
- Psychologist, Cape Town
- Professor Dan Stein,
- Psychiatrist, Cape Town
- Professor Bernard van Rensburg,
- Johannesburg
- Dr Sheldon Zilesnick,
- Psychiatrist, Johannesburg