MHM Magazine
34 | MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS | 2024 | Issue 6 MHM verse.” This quote became a guiding light for me. Amidst the pain, the setbacks, and the seemingly endless journey, I realised that each of us has a verse to contribute to life’s narrative. Running was my verse, my way of making a small difference, a ripple in the wider sea of mental health awareness. When I crossed the finish line of the final marathon, exhausted yet elated, I felt something profound. I was reminded of why this run mattered - not just for Rosa, but for everyone dealing with mental health struggles. The support I received along the way, from people cheering on the sidelines to those running alongside me for a few miles, was a testament to the power of community and solidarity. This experience solidified my belief that we’re not alone in our battles. Every one of us has the potential to make a difference, and our individual journeys, no matter how unique, can be a source of hope for others. This run was also a reminder that healing is not a destination, it’s a continuous journey. I’m far from a finished product, and I still meet with my therapist monthly to keep my life on track. Mental health isn’t something you fix once and forget about. It requires patience, support, and a willingness to confront difficult truths. I’ve learned to be open about my struggles with OCD, anxiety, and depression because I want to dismantle the stigma surrounding mental health. Seeking help is not a sign of weakness; it’s an act of strength, and it’s something to be proud of. Through Run for Rosa, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the impact that conversations around mental health can have. Rosa’s legacy lives on, reminding us that even in the darkest times, we can create change. The Run for Rosa Foundation has become more than just a tribute – it’s a movement to foster love, courage, and mindfulness within our community. We’re committed to supporting those affected by mental health issues, and our work has only just begun. In a world where mental health is often misunderstood or ignored, we must continue to speak up. If this journey has taught me anything, it’s that vulnerability can be a powerful tool for change. The truth is, none of us are immune to struggle, and we all need a support system. Whether it’s running, therapy, or a close network of friends, find what grounds you, what helps you rise after a fall. And know that there is no shame in reaching out, in saying, “I need help.” For those who feel isolated in their struggles, please remember you’re not alone. This journey - my journey - stands as a testament to resilience and to the belief that we can rise from even the most painful challenges. Step by step, mile by mile, you can find strength within yourself that you may not have known existed. Take that step, embrace the journey, and know that there’s a community here, waiting to support you. Let Rosa’s story remind us all that we have a role to play in this “powerful play” of life. So, I challenge each of you reading this: find your verse, your way of making a difference. Whether it’s through acts of kindness, sharing your story, or simply being there for others, your contribution matters. Let’s honour those we’ve lost by living fully, by facing our own challenges, and by supporting those around us. Each of us has a story to tell, a verse to contribute. And together, we can create a legacy of resilience, love, and courage. Let’s keep running this race - one step, one day, one life at a time. References available on request. MHM | 2024 | Volume 11 | Issue 6 | Living With H
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